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Sourced From: Eastern Europe
Products Where Used:
Everyday and Restore Elderberry Syrup; Everyday and Restore Elderberry Tincture; Everyday and Restore Elderberry Gummy Bears; Nite Nite Elderberry & Melatonin Gummy Bears; Elderberry Cold & Flu Tea Blend; Elderberry Jelly
Elderberry is the fruit of the Sambucus tree. The most common type is the Sambucus Nigra. The tree has deciduous leaves, white flowers (elderflowers), and berries that transform color from green to red to black when ripe. Elderberry is native to Europe, Africa, and parts of Asia, but another less-potent variant has become common in the U.S.
Humans have long eaten elderberries for their range of health benefits; including boosting the immune system to help the body fight off colds, flu, and other respiratory infections.
Why We Use It:
Elderberries are one of the most nutrient-rich foods found in nature. They’re high in Vitamin C (with a single serving covering up to 60% of the RDI), Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Iron, Potassium, antioxidants (polyphenols, flavonols, and anthocyanins), and fiber (nearly seven grams per serving). When used in combination with the following super-herbs, you have a private army to protect cells, fight free-radicals, and keep you on the path to health and wellness.
Health benefits of Elderberries as the primary ingredient in Pona Farms & FarMacy elderberry syrup.
Sourced From: United States
Products Where Used:
Restore Syrup, Restore Tincture, Restore Gummy Bears
Why We Use It:
Cherries are one of nature’s true superfoods! Cherry's are loaded with Vitamin C. Not coincidentally Vitamini C is one of the key nutrients your body needs for boosting immunity. Vitamin C also helps encourage the production of white blood cells which fight against infection.
My Fresh Farmacy’s Restore blend provides about 750% of the recommended daily value of Vitamin C in just one dose!!
Sourced From: India
Products Where Used:
Ashwagandha Tincture
Why We Use It:
Ashwagandha is an ancient medicinal herb that has been used for over 3,000 years because of its multiple health benefits.
Ashwagandha can reduce anxiety and stress, help fight depression, boost fertility and testosterone in men, and even boost brain function.
Supplementing with ashwagandha may be an easy and effective way to improve your health and quality of life.
Location: United States
Products Where Used:
Astragalus Tincture
Why We Use It:
Almost everybody should take Astragalus. Astragalus is an 'adaptogenic herb' which means the herb works throughout the body and every system to Restore balance.
Location: Egypt
Products Where Used:
Chamomile Tincture
Why We Use It:
Chamomile is one of the oldest, most widely used, and well-documented medicinal plants in the world and has been recommended for a variety of healing applications. Chamomile can help in improving cardiovascular conditions, stimulate the immune system, and provide some protection against cancer.
Location: Sri Lanka
Products Where Used:
Everyday and Restore Syrups; Everyday and Restore Tinctures; Everyday and Restore Gummy Bears; Nite Nite & Melatonin Gummy Bears; Herbal Tea Blend; Jelly
Why We Use It:
Anti-oxidants, lower blood sugar, fight infections
Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, supports depressed and comrpomised immune systems. And it tastes yummy!!
Sourced From: United States
Products Where Used:
Restore Syrup, Restore Tincture, Restore Gummy Bears
Why We Use It:
In recent years, Echinacea has been embraced as a health boost for cold and flu prevention. We use it as an ingredient because it is proven to increase white blood cell count to fight infections, help to moderate blood sugar levels, reduce anxiety, and fight inflammation throughout the body. When Echinacea is paired with Goldenseal, they form a dynamic duo and provide a super-boost to your immune system.
Location: Vietnam
Products Where Used:
Everyday and Restore Syrups; Everyday and Restore Tinctures; Everyday and Restore Gummy Bears; Nite Nite & Melatonin Gummy Bears; Herbal Tea Blend; Jelly
Why We Use It:
Anti-oxidants, lower blood sugar, fight infections, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, support depressed and compromised immune systems. And it tastes yummy!!
Sourced From: United States
Products Where Used:
Restore Syrup, Restore Tincture, Restore Gummy Bears
Why We Use It:
Goldenseal has powerful antimicrobial properties that fight infections, heal wounds, boost immune systems, support your digestive system and elevate brain and cognitive health. When Goldenseal is paired with Echinacea, they form a dynamic duo and provide a super-boost to your immune system.
Sourced From: Secret Honey Hole
Products Where Used:
Everyday and Restore Elderberry Syrup; Everyday and Restore Elderberry Gummy Bears; Nite Nite Elderberry & Melatonin Gummy Bears; Elderberry Jelly
Why We Use It:
Our raw honey not only tastes amazing, honey is a ridiculously marvelous super-food with a long list of health benefits.
Sourced From: Middle East, Asia, or India
Products Where Used: Restore Cough Syrup
Why We Use It: Licorice Root is nature's steroid and delivers immediate relief from inflammation. Licorice Root is also known to be soothing to the throat, while at the same time having expectorant properties that help loosen and eliminate phlegm.
Licorice Root also helps the body respond to stress and stay healthy. Its antiviral properties protect the body from invading viruses and boost immunity.
Location: United States
Products Where Used: Mullein Tincture
Why We Use It: Has been widely used in European herbal medicine for centuries to treat muscular, skeletal, circulatory, digestive, and respiratory systems.
Location: Native to Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa
Products Where Used: Restore Cough Syrup
Why We Use It: Marshmallow Root has been used as an herbal remedy for thousands of years to treat respiratory, digestive, and skin conditions. Marshmallow root is a primary ingredient in our cough syrup because it is known to loosen mucous and inhibit bacteria while reducing irritation and inflammation in the mucus membranes that line the respiratory tract. As an additional benefit, Marshmallow Root has very similar calming and soothing effts on the human digestive and GI tracts.
Location: Turkey
Products Where Used:
Oregano Tincture
Why We Use It:
Oregano is nature's antibiotic and is the perfect example why we say, 'Fresh, First. Science, Second.'
Location: India
Products Where Used:
Restore Syrup, Restore Tincture, Restore Gummy Bears
Why We Use It:
Turmeric is one of nature's most powerful herbs that will help you to Restore balance to your body by supporting a number of primary functions like fighting inflammation. In fact, in a recent study, Turmeric proved to be more effective fighting inflammation than ibuprofen or aspirin. Turmeric is also a natural antioxidant, and it even helps to slow aging of your cells!.
Location: United States
Products Where Used:
Restore Cough Syrup
Why We Use It: We use Wild Cherry Bark in our Restore Cough Syrup because this powerful herb acts as an expectorant and dries mucus. Wild Cherry Bark also inspires a checmical reaction that delivers prussic acid to the lungs where it opens your airways to help you to breathe easier and relaxes the nerves that provoke a cough reflex.
Wild Cherry Bark also delivers immediate relief to a disrupted GI track and upset stomach.
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