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What do you get when you combine a life-long caretaker, educator, gardener, and uber-talented cook & baker with an innovative marketer & product developer with a shared passion for fresh food? You get two people who are compelled to help others discover the benefits of a Fresh, First. Science, Second. approach to balanced personal health & wellness.
The evidence can no longer be ignored. Our society is facing serious challenges. One of the biggest reasons is the fact that we are taking our personal health for granted instead of treating it as our highest priority.
But instead of coming together with common sense and mutual respect for each other, the battle for our health - like too many issues in American society - has devolved into an unnecessary and counter-productive struggle between two wings of the same bird.
Most of our society has forgotten what our ancestors intuitively knew; fresh food provides all of the nutrients and energy our bodies need for optimized health. Have we gone too far? Are we ‘beyond repair?
Pona Farms & Farmacy was founded because we don’t think so. ‘Flying with both wings’ - “Fresh, First. Science, Second.” - will get us back on a straight and true course.
We live in an extraordinary time where we have the best fresh foods from nature and the best of science at our disposal. We believe the answer is to take advantage of every opportunity to find balance and take a simple, common-sense approach to personal health and wellness.
’Fresh, First.’ means fueling your body with the nutrients and energy that our body evolved to use instead of highly-processed pseudo-foods of convenience and pharmaceutical placebos that mask symptoms instead of treating the cause. Fresh herbs, in combination with fresh foods, help our bodies to operate at peak function, prevent illness, and even to heal itself.
‘Science, Second.’ is about turning to medical science and pharmaceuticals when our bodies need the specialized assist. And with a foundation of fresh, scientific procedures and pharmaceutical treatments have a higher probability of success with reduced side effects.
Breaking from our cultural 'norms' is never an easy thing to do. And each of us has our own path and pace on this journey. Pona Farms & Farmacy is here to support your path and your pace by providing premium elderberry and other high-quality organic herbs, and vegetables that fortify your body and lift your systems to function at their highest potential.
‘Fresh, First. Science, Second.’ faithfully summarizes our straight-forward, practical, and common sense approach to health, wellness, science, and society. Let’s get back to personal responsibility, critical thinking, and flying with both wings.
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